
UBazar E-commerce app

UBazar a fully functional e-commerce with modern design & look and payment methods

Tech Stack:

  • Next.js
  • Nest.js
  • Postgres
  • Stripe
  • Socket.io
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Rematch
  • Tailwindcss

Core Features:

  • Highlight specially curated products and promotions on the main landing page.
  • Provide detailed product information on the Product Detail Page, including options to add to the cart and wishlist.
  • Allow users to manage their wishlist by adding and removing products.
  • Enable users to manage their shopping cart, add/remove products, and proceed to checkout for purchase.
  • Provide a Sign-Up Page for users to register and create an account on the platform.
  • Display different product categories on the Product Categories Page with options for category selection, pagination, and filtering.

Project Pages Showcase:

Landing Page

The main landing page showcasing featured products and promotions.

      Featured Products
  • Highlighting specially curated products on the landing page.
    • Promotions
  • Showcasing ongoing promotions and discounts.

Product Detail Page

Detailed information about a specific product.

      Product Information
  • Details about the product, including price, color, etc.
    • Add to Cart and Wishlist
  • Buttons to add the product to the cart and wishlist.

Wishlist Page

A page for users to manage their wishlist.

      Add and Remove Products
  • Users can add and remove products from their wishlist.

Cart Page

A page for users to manage their shopping cart.

      Add and Remove Products
  • Users can add and remove products from their shopping cart.
    • Checkout
  • Proceed to checkout to complete the purchase.

Review Page

A page where users can add reviews about products.

      User Reviews
  • Users can add reviews, including images, about products.
    • Review Form
  • A form to add detailed reviews about products.

Shipment Page

A page for users to add shipping information.

      Add Shipping Address
  • Users can add and manage their shipping addresses.

Payment Page

A page for users to select payment options.

      Payment Type and Method
  • Users can select the type and method of payment.

Checkout Page

A page for users to process orders and make payments.

      Order Processing
  • Users can review and confirm their orders.
    • Payment
  • Complete the purchase by making the payment.

Order Page

A page for users to view their order history.

      Order History
  • View a detailed history of past orders with product information and quantities.

Sign-Up Page

The page for users to sign up for an account.

      User Registration
  • Allow users to create an account on the platform.

Product Categories Page

A page displaying different product categories.

      Category Selection
  • Menu for selecting different categories of products.
    • Pagination and Filtering
  • Navigate through product categories with pagination and apply filters.