

Language Buddies is a mobile app designed to connect people looking to practice new languages. It provides features similar to typical social gathering apps, allowing users to create profiles, add languages (native or non-native), find other language learners, and chat with them.

Tech Stack:

  • Flutter
  • Nest.js
  • Dart
  • PostgreSQL

Core Features:

  • Profile Creation and Management
  • Real-time Chat Functionality
  • Language Preferences and Updates
  • Secure Authentication Process

Project Pages Showcase:

Home Page

The main page where users land and can navigate to other sections.

      Profile Creation
  • Users can create personalized profiles with language preferences.
    • Language Selection
  • Add native and non-native languages to their profiles.

Chat Page

Connect with language buddies and engage in conversations.

      Real-time Chat
  • Chat with other language learners in real-time.
    • Profile Updates
  • Update profiles and share language learning progress.

Profile Page

View and update user profiles.

      Profile Editing
  • Users can edit and update their profile information.
    • Language Preferences
  • Manage and update language preferences.

Authentication Page

Login and authentication processes.

      Secure Login
  • Authentication for user privacy and security.
    • Intro Onboarding
  • User tour to introduce the app basic functionalities.