
Study Dashboard

Interactive study dashboard to keep track of group study, assignments, attendance & members. Add subject that currently studying, its assignments, add members to study group. This project was developed in a team of 4 developers 2 backend, 1 design and 1 frontend. My role was to develop the frontend. bellow is the some of the core features and pages

Tech Stack:

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Rematch
  • Tailwindcss
  • Chart.js

Core Features:

  • Interactive, user-friendly, easy to use and beautiful dashboard UI/UX
  • Multiple slides, charts, progress bars, calender all in one page to manage group studying and be more productive.

Project Pages Showcase:

Main Dashboard

User can login, create subjects, assignments, keep track of attendance and much more

      Add subject
  • User can create new subject and can keep track of the current active subjects.
    • Add assignments
  • User can create new assignments and the UI will show the progress, status and number of assignments.
    • Add members
  • Admin can create study groups and add other members to manage the attendance and progress
    • Receive Notifications
  • User will get notification when a subject/assignment is added/finished or they are added to a group study
    • Progress tracking
  • User can keep track of progress using the charts and bars
    • Multiple Theme
  • User can choose the theme...


In the Assignment page listed all the active, completed and pending subjects the user involved in.



    In the subject page listed all the active, completed and pending subjects the user involved in.



      User can logout, manage his profile and visibility & notification settings
